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Chaparral MusicFest Suzuki Academy

Wow! What a week with the Academy!

Violinist Laura Tagawa and I are co-Directors of the Chaparral MusicFest Suzuki Academy. This year we are a Suzuki Association of the Americas sanctioned institute. Violinist Sarah deLaveaga, Suzuki violin teacher Barbara McClymonds, and percussionist Maria Flurry all chipped in for the extra-curricular classes and activities with the students.

The faculty recital with Laura, Sarah, Maria and myself was phenomenal on Wednesday evening. We played works by McLean, Saint-Saëns, Teleman, Mozart, Bartok, Bach, Faure, and (of course) Flurry.

The week with the students was intense, as usual, but we covered a lot. I love teaching the master classes with the students. It is rare as a teacher to be able to focus on only one piece for multiple lessons a row.

The final student recital on Saturday was inspiring. The pianist soloists all played with heart and confidence. The violinists played the group repertoire and fiddle tunes taught by Barbara. And one of the highlights, I thought, was when the pianists and violinists had the opportunity to play various duets together from my (still unpublished) 5-minute Duet series. These are short duets written for Suzuki violin and piano students that are designed to be taught in as a little as 5 minutes.

Some late nights for the co-Directors as we worked each evening for the next day, but I expect that each year's Institute will be easier and better than before. Feedback forms were universally quite positive, even from those who had attended the large Suzuki Institutes across the country.

Thanks, Laura, Sarah, Barbara, & Maria!